Wednesday, August 24, 2011

AUGUST MEETING AGENDA: Meriah's Birthday Bookclub

Okay ladies,
First I'd like to apologize for my lack of attention these days. I guess you gals have babies and I get divorced (that's my excuse). So I will be more on it now that the storm is clearing and I am back on my game (or trying).

I cannot recall if any of us shelled out dues last time ( I kinda think we did but can someone remind me??) If you paid last time you all (except Meriah) would have paid $10. So we can start fresh this meeting with a $10 dues each if we didnt pay last time or just do $5 and go from there.

I propose that before the meeting starts while the cooking and finalizing is happening that we get the money stuff out of the way before sitting down and getting distracted. What do you think??

BOOK: The Lost City of Z
PLACE: Meriah's House
Dessert: Julie & Ali
Main: Meriah
Side: Maren
Salad: Tristana
Beverage: Ali

Hope that helps am I missing anything.

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...