Monday, July 17, 2017

Meriah- BRING GLASSES/Arrive by 445pm

Meriah: You have the club Glasses. Please bring them to club or arrange for them to be picked up prior to club.

Please arrive no later then 445pm. Please make arrangements to be at club before 5pm so food prep and discussion time are no interrupted.


Tonight’s Menu: Ali- Main & App~ Julie-Salad~ Joe- Side~ Maren- Drink~/Meriah-Glasses & Dessert

I. Discussion of Maren’s Book (1 hour discussion): Dragon’s Teeth (320 pgs)
-All members MUST be prepared to have discussion of something about the book; to evoke discussion with each question.

II.Call to order by Ali Scontrino

III. Treasurer's Report by Meriah Haro [DUES NOW $10.00]-
*Current Balance: $459.00??
-Julie Owe $40 to be current; Ali Owes $30 to be current; Jocelyn Owes $20 to be current.

IV. Next Meeting: *******AUGUST 27th, 2017????

1. Book pick- (Julie)- __________________________
2. Book pick- (Meriah) _______________________
3. Menu Assignment [Ali/Jocelyn]- Main & App( ), Side ( ), Salad & Dessert ( ), Drinks ( )
4. *Books Not finished Count: - MAREN-1, MERIAH-1


V. Old Business:
1. Quarter Sleeves & Sweatshirts- (Ali or Meriah)-HOLDING OFFF FOR NOW

VI. New Business:
1. Pin up photo shoot (Ali has hair & makeup person)-10 Year Anniversary Photo shoot next October

NOTE: Book Order- Ali, Maren, Julie, Meriah, Jocelyn

July 2, 2017 Book Club Notes

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Maren’s Pick)
Discussion: Maren- Liked it. More clinical than expected. Wanted more about the families lives. Would recommend to certain people. 3.5/5
Ali- Liked it. A little text booky at times, but feel more educated. Shocked that our cells can be taken and used. Would recommend to certain people with a disclaimer. 5/5
Jocelyn- Loved it. Very educational. At times, I would be wishing for a fictional story, but as soon as I started in I would be instantly hooked again. Liked the back and forth between the two stories. Would recommend to certain people. 4.5/5
Meriah- Liked it. Loved the family story. Sometimes too much like a textbook. Kind of a hard book about HeLa cells. Would not recommend. 3/5
Julie- I enjoyed the book. It was very interesting. Lots of names and dates which made it difficult to keep track of the story at times. Would recommend. 3/5

Favorite Characters:
Maren-Deborah and Devon
Ali- Deborah, Devon and Christoph Jocelyn- HeLa cells and Rebecca Skloot
Meriah- Rebecca
Julie- Rebecca Skloot and Deborah

HeLa cells grown so far in the world weigh 50 metric tons = 110,231 lbs.

$$$ Balance -459?? Maren and Meriah paid to current. Next club Julie will owe $40, Ali will owe $30, and Jocelyn will owe $20.

Next club is Aug 6th at Ali’s House.
Book Pick is Dragon’s Teeth by Michael Crichton 320pgs.
Next book pick is Julie…….?

Book Pick Order: Julie, Meriah, Jocelyn, Maren, Ali

Dinner: Burrito Bowls; Chips and Salsa; Wine/Beer

Duties: Ali - Main/App; Julie -Salad; Joe - Side; Maren -Drinks; Meriah - Glasses/Dessert
Pie to the face for Meriah still owed. If we don’t pie her at next club, she is off the hook.
Ali- Just got back from Aunties new house in Ren with Justin, Yikes!! Dealing with harassment from Jake. Jocelyn- Mongo the new kitten has joined our family. LPRT play starting this month.
Meriah- Disneyland was great. Went to Solvang and ostrich farm. The Cowboy is the Cowboy.
Maren- Went camping in Santa Rosa, super fun! Mac is getting married again, Yuck!!

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...