Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This Sunday 11-27-11 @4pm; Maren's House

Book: Running with Scissors
Maren's house
M= Maren
D= tristana
S= Ali (Garlic Green Beans)
S= Meriah
D= Julie

Thursday, November 17, 2011

OMG I gotta an idea for bookclub?????

Ok ladies I thought of a cool way/sytem for us when we don't know what book to pick; tell me if you like this idea or not:

So I was thinking of taking all the books we have on our "suggestion" list and cutting them up and putting them in a hat (a container really). The concept would be that we have tons of suggestions in the hat and when anyone simply can't think of a book we utilize our current suggestion base by randomly sticking our hand in the hat and picking a book. So it's a book picked at random but from our suggestion list. Does that make sense?

You guys wanna do this? You think we will utilize the system?

Also I thought that if and when someone had new book suggestions; you just bring a tiny slip of paper folded and throw in in the hat, further accumilating book suggestions to utilize.

Also if someone wants to read a book on their own and can't think of one you could pick at random adding a little mystery to your read.

Let me know if this sounds good or not. I wont commence cutting until I hear back from the troops.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In Class

This is a poem I wrote in Highschool. I remember well cuz I wrote alot during class instead of pay attention. Julie I thought you'd get a kick out of it even though you're students are younger.

By Ali Scontrino
Kill me now
I don't know how
I'm bored inside, and want to hide
The noise is driving me insane
I want to kill this dame
Take me away from this hell
I guess I'll never hear the bell
Loud and annoying is all I hear
Save me before I shed this tear
I struggle inside until the end
Please read this message that I send
Run if you can
Try to get away
Before we come here another day
Kill me now, before I choke
The proding teacher continues to poke
The knife insdie starts to cut
My insanity lies inside it's hut
She talks and talks until i'm bored
I want to cut her with my sword
Save me please, whoever cares!
Draw in this sharp pain that I bare
My hot tears roll down my face
This boredom flows at a slow pace
Kill me now, I say again
Before there is no more ink in this pen.

What is a fuck-up?

What is a Fuck-Up? by Ali Scontrino
I don't understand?
Who are you to determine?
We all make mistakes, do something wrong.
Are you beyond it all now that you've aged?
I always thought a fuck-up was someone that has given up on life or lost their goals.
Maybe dipped into harsh drugs and can't come back.
I thought it was someone who stopped caring, whether it be about life, themselves or the people around them.
So I ask again what a fuck-up is? I know I'm not, for I keep going each and every day.
I live life to the fullest and fulfill the goals I give myself.
I heard this term thrown about in argument before ad it hurts.
It hurts to be referred to or have people close to me referred to as fuck-ups when the mouth stating the term is the biggest fuck up of them all!!!!
Best not judge or be judged.

Written a few years ago when I was in the lengthy process of acknowledging that Mott was a negative, belittler due to his own insecurities and unhappiness. Found as I was cleaning my desk and thought I'd share.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November AGENDA Date to be determined

Ladies we never pinned a date down; Is 11-27-11 (sun) good for ya'll??

Book: Running with Scissors
Maren's house
M= Mren
D= tristana
S= Ali
S= Meriah
D= Julie

Julie's bday 11-18-11 THE BREAKING DAWN premier day- You one important lady Julie girl!!!!

Please confirm 11-27 club date.
Please let me know who is available to take Julie out for her bday: Julie you down for Saturday or something??? Bloody Marys or Mimosas lemme know I (ali) will show up just to cheers another year with you!!!

October Meeting Minutes: 10-30-11

Anniversary Club
10-30-11 at Tristana's house
New food method: MDSSD
M= Maren
D= Tristana
S= Ali
S= Meriah
D= Julie
Book discussed: Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown

-Meriah gave the club SCM Sweat pants. MERIAH they are AWESOME!!!!
-Julie & T gave the club custom wine glasses engraved with our logo.
-RULES: The host of each club is responsible for cleaning, re-packing, and delicately bringing to the next club.
-Ali has posters for everyone of our 4 years together.
-CLUB: No dues this month

BOOK ORDER: Maren, Julie, Meriah, Ali, Tristana
Meriah start thinking of a book.

NEW BOOK (NOVEMBER): Running with Scissors
Julie Book Pick (DEC): I'm Down

4 YEARS AND GOING STRONG!!!!!! October 10-30-11

Well ladies we made it yet another year; defying all odds, rude comments, jealousy and worst of all that elusive schedule. So much has happened in the last year.
-Maren just added a new member to the club: Baby Lana
-Little does Alyssa and Lana and Mason know that they were born into membership lol.
-Alyssa and Mason are another year older.
-Ali went through a divorce and subsequent new relationship.
-We lost a Matriarch to our "coven"; Kathrine.
Through all life's changes we prevail as bond stronger than glue. We love, support, fight, fix and grow together. This club is more than something that keeps us reading and in the know and in the literary world; it is a combined soul of our growth through this life.

When all seems devastating, and believe me sometimes it is, we have each other to lean on. Even if its just book talk cuz we dont want to talk about whats going on inside its still you girls there listening and loving. I love all of you with all my heart and am sooooooo fricking glad that four years ago on Meriah's couch in Bonny Doon we spawned this magical, invincable club!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Book Pick

I couldn't find the name of the author for my original book pick, so I'm choosing The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield as my new book pick.

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...