Thursday, October 21, 2021

September 25, 2021 Invasive (Julie’s Pick)

Discussion: Julie- Liked how it started with a bang. Liked character development. Hard to follow details with all the chaos. Cute ending. Would recommend. 3.5/5 Caitlin- I’d like to learn more. Enjoyed how it started, nonstop. Didn’t understand all the science talk. Hard to build a relationship with the story. Would Recommend. 3/5 Jocelyn- At first getting annoyed with the lack of actual ants, but then they came marching in. Fun read! Glad the main character didn’t end up being a whinny bitch. Would recommend. 3.5/5 Ali- Didn’t Finish Favorite Characters: Julie- Barry Caitlin-Barry Jocelyn-Barry, Buffy and Ez Balance $$$- $520. Everyone is paid even. Book pick is Hell’s Princess by Harold Schechter 335pgs Anniversary celebration on October 23rd. Brunch club on October 24th. Next book pick is Caitlin Dinner: Polenta Pizza Bites, Veggie and Dips, Fruit Cabobs, Quinoa salad, Greek Sushi Rolls, Bruschetta, Baked Brie and Goat Cheese Stuffed Peppers

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...