Thursday, December 13, 2012

Book order

BOOK ORDER: Ali, Tristana, Maren, Julie, Meriah Next Book pick: January pick, MERIAH. Do you know what book you want? This is my bday month yay!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Swamplandia Meeting Now Dec 17 4pm

Sorry for the goof up...I'm an idiot, but still only human :)

Our December bookclub meeting will be held on Monday December 17th at 4pm at my house.  Get ready for some southern cookin' (fried alligator, snake, frog legs...just kidding...I have no idea what I'm making yet...suggestions?)

Monday, October 29, 2012

11/23/1963..... Be prepared readers.

There will be some talk over appetizers about our book. Please read up gals. I've heard a lot of reading going on so we shall have some stuff to talk about. Time travel, butterfly effect, good and bad. So please be ready to discuss a bit of the book at anniversary club. Next month book: Julie pick, Swamplandia due december 16th. Next club: 12/16/12. Please let me know if this date doesn't work. This gives us enough time to read Swamplandia and still meet before the holiday season takes over.

Anniversary club!! FIVE FABULOUS YEARS......

Hey chikies It's hear number five and we are celebrating large this year. We have successfully saved up enough in dues to live it up without caring what the bill is. Woop woop! We have reservations at 515 at 4:30; the lounge room. We get our own special room even! Meet at the cowboy at 3:30. Only detail not hashed out is what car are we taking?? If anyone would like to come over to get ready with me feel free. We can compare our fancy outfits. Can't wait girls this is gonna be fun fun fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

November 12th Mid-Month

Hi my fantastic bookclub ladies...
Please let me know if you are avaiable for a mid-month meeting on nov 12 at 4pm.  Another option would be the 11th but Meriah I'd like to talk to you about this as it seems these mid-months are the hardest on your schedule.  Let's chat.  xoxo

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct 15 Mid-Month

So....last night was so fun ladies!  Sorry you couldn't make it Meriah, it was a blast.  We ate, drank, shared quotes, talked, and watched the always awesome SF GIANTS!!!  The quotes I found highly insightful and inspiring...

Tristana: Bad decisions make good stories.

Maren: Life is short, but wide, so this too will pass.

Julie: We don't attract what we want, we attract who we are.

Ali: Mean what you say and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.-Dr. Seuss

I'm not eccentric, I'm just more alive than most people.  I'm like an electric eel in a goldfish bowl.-Dame Edith

Next mid-month meeting is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 12th. Please RSVP to Julie

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What to bring

So this is how i see it for the november meeting Main dish is julie Drinks is meriah Side dish is ali Salad is tristana Dessert is maren I will be cordinating with everyone individually to make sure all of the food is cohesive. I really want to start the cookbook so we will talk about the best foods so far. See everyone on monday at julies!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Julie Next Book Pick ???

Julie do you know what book you are picking?

Bookclub Pros & Cons

As of 9/19/12: PROS: 1) Mid Month (Need for DETOX) 2) Emotional Support 3) Food & Drink CONS: 1) Meeting dates are too sparatic (Stick to last sunday of the month) 2) Boring Books 3) Unshared FResponsibilities 4) Too much communcations during club (Text, email, etc..)

Meriah The Money Handler

Meriah Don't forget to bring our money on the 4th. we are only spending that money so if you dont bring it we wont be able to get dinner or anything. Make sure that you keep all recipets from the night and update the balance at some point beofre the following club.

Tristana the Menu Queen

Hey Tristana, Can you make sure to post or text everyone what we are bringing?? Usually a week or two before club everyone calls me to ask but now that we have a new structure we all get to call you. So please let us all know what we are to bring. Keep in mind as menu coordinator you have the power to dictate our food theme and you can give ideas, suggestions or requests for certain foods. You have the power!!!

In the Garden of Beasts

Tristana, I thought this was a really good book. It was a bit dry at parts and went on and on about all the names of everyone and their brother but really it was a great insight into a part of history that our schools seem to hide. Why we only learn the few things we do about WWII, the Nazi's and the Japanese is beyond me. There is so much history withheld from our learning that books like these become so valuable. So i didn't want In the Garden of Beasts.... to go unnoticed as a good read in the club. Thanks again!!!!


Next meeting is our ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! This is a dress up event. We will be meeting at the Cowboy so we can carpool to SC where we will start off our event at the 515. Plan to meet at the Cowboy at 3:30. We can head to SC for a 4-4:30 start. I will be looking into the special room but no gaurantees. Julie proposed going to a resturant on mission street so that could also play into our plans. We can discuss our book: 11/23/1963 Non formal meeting- no minutes or important discussion just 5 years of greatness, future to come and the book. Then we are free to enjoy the evenings festivities.

September meeting minutes (09-18-12) STARTING FRESH

September's meeting was a really great meeting. We all came together and hopefully all the tasks that were handed out will work out in keeping us all busy and giving us all something to be proud of in club. Many new things occured at the meeting: -We went through 5 years of club buisness to see how far we've come; -We went through old ideas and created new ones; -We went over Pros & Cons (Which should be an ongoing thing at club); -We went over the rules and created new ones; -We discussed new logo options; -Positions were discussed and handed out- List to follow; -We went through our history: all 1st's, when clothing was made, when things were created, milestones, etc..; -We went through book lists from 2007 thru 2012. -Went through the agenda. AGENDA: We shall have an agenda every month; each person to have one so to stay on task and know when their time to do their task is. First 15-20 minutes of club is DETOX TIME. Get your life shit out here cuz when club starts it's all about the books. PROS&CONS: We should be doing this ongoing at every club. Ali Can maintain it as she's given up most her duties. 3 MONTH CALENDARS: Julie is to get everyone a calendar (she said at meeting she woudl do). Everyone needs to bring a calendar and be prepared for scheduling. Club Packet: I ran out of pape but when i get some I will print everyone a packet with all our rules, lists, history, etc. so we all have it and can comment and reflect on it. IDEAS: Logo- needs more books to support her feet; Broaden our word base: Texting cool/interesting words to each other to broaden our word base. -Make stickers -Cookbook. (Tristana to begin) -We need to take pics of the food and secratary could be writing down the foods for the night???? RULES: #7: Change Book Genre every month #8: NO CELL PHONES during meeting. Texting is getting out of control!! Unofficial rule: MUST WEAR GEAR Main Dish= Host; should be complete or almost complete before club starts. Drinks= Person who brings drinks serves everyone their first glass in the club goblet. TASKS: Ali: Anniversary -Make sure secratary takes notes; -Gets Secratary Agenda Items; -Keeps Official Records -Pros & Cons Julie: Time Keeper -Mid Month Tristana: Month Menu -Event planning; Bday, holidays,anniversary help Meriah: Money Handler -Dues; Meriah has $500 as of last meeting she was handed the dues log and the money to track for this new year. Maren: Note Taker -Update blog with meeting minutes -Update agenda- collect agenda items from club members for discussion Maren- I will send you an agenda to start with then its all yours for the year. As the months go on we can keep checking in to see if we want our tasks or if we wnat to switch. I will post our next club info in another blog so not to confuse everyone. Please print this post out for your records and the minutes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 15: Mid Month meeting

Hey ladies,

So, our mid-month is going to be held on October 15th at 4:30 at my house.  Please RSVP via reply to this post or text.  I will provide some munchies...
And I thought it would be fun if everyone could bring a favorite quote that is new to your life or one that you've always loved.  I've been coming across some inspirational as well as funny quotes that have been getting me through some tough times and I'd love to share and hear more.  This is not mandatory, just a fun idea.

Love ya!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Year Recap of Bookclub as we know it; shall it continue forever?

So for those of you who have read my last blog; I'm pretty stinkin upset with the situation we are in. I was thinking of not going to bookclub at all. After many discussions with Julie about not just leaving all together I decided to go through our entire past of five years and put it all electronically on one big spreadsheet so everything is easy to find. Also I wanted to bring it to club so I could show you all how much work is actually needed to maintain this level of club we have.

Below I wrote a page for our anniversary speech in SF; it was supposed to be one of my writings that end up making me cry while I'm freading it. It spills of the love and participation we all have for this club.

Since we are lacking in the enthusiasm these days and since there is no anniversary celebration I wanted everyone to read the below writing I did in august to see what we are jeoperdizing if do not stop and change something.

Julie proposes we all have a position with set tasks. This means everyone must tackle their position as if a job. For example if someone is in charge of bdays then its their job to have a list of everyone's bday, know when to have a celebration for a member, talk to the person holding the dues for bday budget, a little planning is involved in every position.

Please all of you decide what position you would like to be. Positions open at this time are: VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Sunshine Keeper.

If more then one person want a position we will have a blind vote.

Please come prepared to this meeting. If I show up and no one knows anything about what we are doing at club I'm probably just going to throw my hands up and leave.

I love you gals and would like us to end up like the last sentences in my writing; old, but still together through it all.

If you think another member might not see this please somehow make it known to them.

2012 Bookclub Anniversary
Five years ago five women sat in the mountains like a tight knit sweater. All woven together in life somehow, brought together by fate as I see it. The beginning should always be remembered, so for the fifth year I am here to remind us of the beginning.
September 2007:
Three women sat in a Bonny soon house chatting about recent books they've read; excitedly trying to sell the other on reading their great book. Each woman backing their book pick as if a salesperson. It was then the idea was born to form a bookclub. Few ideas were thrown around. Things like when would we meet and how would we pick books and how would it work? Some simple rules were put in place; 1) show up, 2) read, by the tyrant president, as the coven called her. The first two rules were formed as such:
1. Must make the meeting a priority;
2. Must read the book;
The members were hand-picked:
2. Maren
3. Ali
4. Tristana
The beginning started with four (4). We then had a teen that gained interest in the club, the camaraderie, the tight knit group. She would suggest books for us to read and sit in on the meetings for lack of anything better to do in the hills of Bonny Doon. And so the fifth member was Savannah. Now a group of five, people started to covet our little club. Hearing tales of our meetings and closeness other wanted to join. It wasn't until one night at Henfling’s that Ali bumped into Julie (then known as Meriah’s best friend from Tahoe). Ali was drunkenly describing the club and the reading and as if sober ness slapped her in the face Julie was stone cold serious, "I need to be in your club..." Ali was Ali and told her that the club had to discuss any newcomers and we would discuss her at the next meeting. Meanwhile Julie called MERIAH and started soliciting herself. Needless to say member number six was entered.
Over time with unanimous votes Stephanie Noce was inducted into club. Though she lasted only one month and didn't show up to her one and only meeting, her input on books to read has been priceless. Shortly after the teenager in savannah took over, she no longer valued our club. We went down to the famed five we are today. Rule number 3, CLOSED MEMBERSHIP states its just us and here we stay, five women, five years and a lifetime ahead.
Now we have a closed membership.. Frozen in time so we don't have to share the magic we have with anyone else. We selfishly hoard this coven of love all to ourselves and only let glimpses out to the world through bragging and boasts. We've gone from real books with paper pages that you can turn and flip with your hand to e-readers, iPads and tablets. We've advanced from paper agendas to web blogs and messaging. Libraries now check out e-books.
In short we've grown up ladies holy hell! We have moved past the little punks that dream big dreams and talk of families and futures. We are now in the future, we have our families, we've hit bumps in the road. We have life experience stories to tell. But rest assured we are still the coolest older, wiser, more mature, smart, sassy, book reading bitches around! The best part is we have been blessed with witnessing this beautiful growth. We have watched marriages, babies come into the world, and teenagers grow up to be now mothers themselves. Children grow to teens, babies growing to mini people, hard times, divorces, break ups, death........ It's all the cycle of life and we are together in this growth.
I'll say it always; bookclub for life, if we are blind we can listen, and read Braille. There's no stopping us. I love you girls!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

October to be or not to be that is the question........

Ok, first off if my tone sounds bitchy it's because I have a lot going on in life and after six months of group decisions it seems that nothing anyone agreed to is now acceptable. I do not have a tone but need to get this out there so we dont spend time in the future planning something that ultimately someone isnt 100% about. This frustrates me as I try hard to keep everyone focused on stupid books and keeping our club together then I end up being the pushy bitch who everyone is annoyed with cuz I'm trying to make things happen.

First, if in the future we come up with a plan, everyone must state their true feelings. If you don't think it'll work for you you need to voice that. If you go along with the plan cuz it sounds fun but it isn't possible then you are leading us all on. For instance if someone knew all along that this sf anniversary just wouldn't work they should have said so so we didn't all get our hopes up to have them crushed in the end. We could have easily planned a less involved anniversary, even though we deserve a night on the town.

Thus far all tasks delegated to others have not happened. This is why I typically just do everything so I know it will get done.

I am contemplating not even coming to this months meeting cuz I don't know if anyone will have read the book besides Tristana and I and I'm tired of being the nazi (no pun reference to our book intended) person who always seem to be bumming the group out. I kind of feel like just letting the meeting happen and whatever happens happens.

I was going to do an agenda but why no one listens and I seem to get flack for trying to refocuse the group.

At this point I don't know what we are doing, how we are doing it and when.

If anyone cares that I feel totally useless to this group then it would be nice to see some participation.

At our last meeting and notated in our last meeting minutes, everyone is supposed to text or email me what they want to discuss at meeting. You all wanted an agenda but again I make one then can't get anyone's attention, so I need all you to tell me what you'd like to discuss possibly give some book ideas or discussion topics for our book. Something that shows I'm not the only one juggling life and club. I know I don't have a kid so you all think I have it easier but that's just not the case.

For now I'm done, I'm gonna read my nazi book and hope to discuss it but unless I get some feedback I'm not even going to do an agenda. I'm also not planning the anniversary anymore. I feel like I put a bunch of effort in with nothing to show. Sorry for being such a downer I am just really depressed right now and knowing that our fabulous anniversary isn't happening kinda put a damper on my sunshine. I apologize if I'm harsh sounding.

Friday, September 7, 2012

October anniversary date

Julie and I are booking the hotel for the anniversary. Does anyone have a problem with going 10/26/12? That's a Friday. Please let me know ASAP if you can not go to sf and spend the night on Friday October 26th. The hotel needs to be booked now for cheaper rates. Please let me know no later then 9/12.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Anniversary contributions.

So I am working on a writing for our anniversary. I am writing a little narrative of our bookclub where we were where we are, how we have grown together in this journey through life, love, loss, and more.

I would like everyone to work on something for our anniversary. I'm doing a writing. Feel free to do one as well. Maybe a collage, or a poem you found that depicts us, something. As we will be in SF we won't be having an agenda but we will discuss marens book, I want to read my writing (that will probably make me cry) and we can do whatever else, party!!

Next club we need to be on top of it. We have a lot of anniversary details to shake out. Love you gals!!

Mid Month Mayhem......

The triple M is not working again this month. The problem is (we found last meeting) that if we dont have a mid month too much life detoxing takes over the meeting.

Though bookclub is here for commarodery it is also to ensure we are reading and stimulating our minds into our old age. If we dont see each other for a month then too much has to be spewed out in one little sitting and on average most people have to leave within two hours. Two hours is not enough time to eat, discuss books and go over the agenda.

Mid month got too elaborate and maybe that's why it's been hard to plan. I propose that mid month is just a meeting plave and time. If people want food or drinks then bring them or go without. This will make it easier to have meeting on a whim. So who is gonna set up the date and time and location. It could be a park or something; kids involved. Make it easy.
I think we should look into shirts cute girl shirts! The book is technical and long winded but intersting since its nonfiction! Scim if u have to but there are some really good parts

Friday, August 17, 2012

In the garden of beasts..... By Erik Larsen.

Has everyone got their book?

Gear and stickers.......

Hey ladies, I was thinking we need to all get new stickers as we have almost all changed cars.....or lost theirs. I was also wondering if we wanted to have new shirts made before our anniversary? When we go to San Francisco we should be wearing our sweatshirts at least to sport our club. Let me know what you think???

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Well there was alot going on at club tonight. We overlooked the birthday dessert to Tristana. Sorry girl!!!! A few new things have sprouted tonight; some ways to stay on track and keep our inventory clean.
1) Meriah suggested we have an Agenda and I agree. I am thinking of introducing at the next meeting (maybe we can discuss at mid-month). It will be set up like bullet points with tasks needed to discuss. A week before club I will ask everyone to submit an agenda item.
2) Meriah & club want to do a 6 Month Hat Check; keep the books going in the hat in check so we dont have books in there we just dont want to read.
3) Check Page numbers; Sometimes we need a short book and sometimes a longer one; but not tooo long.

These are good new rules I think. At our 5 year I will have our original rules and the new ones and we can go over them.

DUES: ($450)
Julie paid thru Sept
Meriah Paid thru August
Maren To Current
Tristana To Current

Great book, can't wait to read the sequel!!!!!

MID-MONTH: Maren or Meriah to host. Where, when?? Meriah what happened to our game questionaire you did? I thought there was a fun game you had with all of our answers??
It was apparent from tonight that we need a mid month meeting to stay on track in club. This is a casual meeting no need to bring any food or drink. I think we make it easy and you show up with what you need so it makes it easy for us to justshow up on a whim.

Going to Johnny Folley's in Union Square- MERIAH to research and book hotel. Let me know if you need me to book. we should do now for better rates. I gots the money too so let me know how much you need.

9/15/12- LJ's 1st bday. Maren can provide location details in person.

BOOK: In the Garden of Beasts
M= tristana
D= Ali
Sa= Meriah
Si= Julie
D= Maren (Wants tp pick 11/23/63 by Stephen King)


*Congrats to T on the new house; Perfect stinking timing!!
**Meriah: You go girl on the new car!

Monday, July 16, 2012

New Book Due 8-12-12

Dustlands, Blood Red Road by Moira Young

Though I am the one requesting this change I have also started the book. The freason I want a change is because it's a good book so far but I need a liitle ummph right now in my book.

I really think you all should try reading that book: Mysterious Island, as a side book so we can maybe in a couple meetings discuss this classic.

It's also my fault for not researching and picking 1400 page book but we all said we wanted to read classics. So food for thought.

Is it too late to change my book?????

Monday, July 2, 2012

June Meeting (07/01/12) Room

Bookclub Campout a success!!!! Thank you Meriah for hosting and serving up some oh so yummy food. The corn on the cobb with honey butter was delicious. Even more delicious was the jalapeno, gorgonzola, corn bread with honey butter. Guda sliders, watermelon salad, s'mores and ciders. Fun times.

Sadly Tristana and ali were the only hardcore ones who slept in the tent in the Alyssa Campsite. Just giving you gals a hard time. Everyone stayed really late and Lana Jane was up late for her bad self.

Note: Wine Glass Caddy needed. Keep an eye out.

Julie Paid thru July
Meriah paid thru August
Everyone else paid to current

JULY MEETING: 08/12/12
M= Ali
D= Meriah
Sa= Julie
Si= Maren
D= Tristana

Fifty Shades discussion. We are all reading it now so some discussion can happen next meeting.

Possibly Get a room for Mac to watch Lana?
Eat at the Stinking Rose??
Doing on a Saturday Night
MAREN to WEEN LANa (lol)

Anyone have any input on the anniversary? Are we locking in the stinking REose as our venue?

Meriah to host Please tell us the date and time of mid month. Since its summer maybe Maren's house???

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mid Month Maybees

Update on tomorrow:
I've heard from Julie and she says she'll go. However, Tristana is in Tahoe and will not be attending, I will be working at my new job and then going to that lame class I have to go to, and Meriah can't attend.

Luckily it's midmonth and not club. Attendence isn't required lol. Maren and Julie you two should talk and see what you wanna do.

Maren: there have been complaints that you are not responding to texts. What's that all about hehe?

mid month tomorrow at 3 at marens pool

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Anniversary details discussion

Anniversary research

Maren has looked into the speakeasy. Now we need to look up hotels around that area, who's down to take this on? We should book soon to get cheaper rates.

Do we want to assign people to bring things? We should star discussing in more detail at every meeting leading up from here on out.

I'm gonna write something as I always do and we can read at hotel before we head out on the town.

Did we want to bring trivia?

We should each bring something like liquor, veggie platter snacks that kind of thing so we can have fun in the room getting ready. More discussion to come but I wanted to get the ideas flowin.

Bookclub camp out: DON'T FORGET JULY 1st is a sleepover

Reminder, bookclub on July 1st is a sleepover. The theme is camping, which we will be doing in a sense. Please make sure you have your overnight bag, pillow, maybe some blankets.

MERIAH, is there anything we should be bring??

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I found this website. Is this where we were thinking of going? It looks like fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mid-Month Maybes with Maren????

I was trying to be cute with the titles hehe.

So Maren was wondering when Mid-Month is and that's a good question.

Julie is unable to host the mid-month this month due to summer activities so our options are Meriah or Maren.

Maren was suggesting a pool get together at her house for mid-month. Who's game??? I know I am. So MAREN you are on, let us know if you still want to do this. I suggest Tuesday 26th since our meeting is the 1st.

I also wanted to see if it would be more convenient if at our monthly meeting we decide who will do Mid-month, that way if anyone has plans another person can rotate in. What do you think?

May Meeting Minutes 06/03/12 "I'm Down"

One of our GREATS as far as meetings go. It was a blast ladies. The book Im Down stayed entertaining and enthralling all the way through. Good pick Jul!!

DUES UPDATE: Current Total is $368 Woop, woop!
Meriah is paid thru AUG; owes for Sept
Julie paid to Current
Ali Paid Thru June
Maren Paid to Current
Tristana Paid to current

Meriah's Book "Room"
Meeting: July 1st, 2012
M= Meriah
D= Julie
Sa= Maren
Si= Ali
D= Tristana

TAHOE TALK........ The plan was to go to Tahoe july 9th-11th. I believe this has been CANCELED.

Speakeasy in SF
Stay in Hotel
Monday Night? Discussion went more towards a Saturday....... More discussion to come.

Tristana to research Speakeasy details and report back.

I am bringing my laptop so I can set Tristana up to recieve the blog alerts via text. I can't do it without her phone.

Does anyone have anything they'd like to add? Any new info?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bookclub June 3rd Julie's house

So in lieu of making a big main Ali and I decided it would be fun to have an appetizer night. I will be making stuffed jalapeños and caprese, Ali will be making cilantro lime prawns, and tristana is going to make a veggie platter or something of the like. Maren is on desert and Meriah is drinks. We have a couple fun YouTube videos to watch on Michna and Anora Wolff. And I also have a great one to show on 50 Shades of Grey for those of you who have or are reading it. Carpool if u can and call/text if u forget directions. Yay bookclub!

Book order

Reminder, the book order is as follows: MERIAH Ali Tristana Maren Julie MERIAH you are next so have your pick ready for club (ps: I like the book you were thinking...); I am after that. This is so we can all gauge when we should think of our book picks. Love you gals and our awesome club!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

BOOKCLUB: June 3rd- sunday

Just to remind everyone.

MID MONTH Meeting has been changed for the last and final time

Ladies ladies ladies!
After much debacle we have finally settled on a mid month date and time.
MONDAY (this coming Monday): May 14th, 2012
Meeting at Ali's Oasis

Julie & Meriah to collaborate on what we are doing (ie: trivia from questions last week, etc...). BYOB summer theme.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Final Meeting Dates: Mid Month 15th; meeting JUNE 3rd

Due to many scheduling conflicts we will be holding the mid-month meeting on Tuesday May 15th at the Cowboy.

The BOOKCLUB will be held on June 3rd at Julie's house. PLEASE WRITE NOTES AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THE BOOK AS WE Will be done reading WELL before club.

If there are any conflicts to this final change please let me know.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May mid month: may 15th (Tuesday)/ bookclub on may 20th

Mid month meeting is on may 15th, Tuesday, at 6pm at the cowboy. Bookclub is to be held at Julie's house at 4pm (4:30 for MERIAH) on may 20th. I believe we have settled the dates at this time, comment or forever hold your peace.

MERIAH you are the next book pick

Monday, April 30, 2012

Mid Month?? Julie & Meriah to let us know when, where & what

Meriah I liked the questionaire are you going to be playing the trivia with our answers at this mid month?
Julie are we holding at your house again??

We did not discuss the tattoo at all due to the heavy book discussion so we should keep proding away at this too.

Those are my thoughts. Let us know when mid month will be.

April Meeting Minutes 04/29/12 "Don't Breath a Word"

Another successful club ladies! Maren those panini's were to die for!!!! I am still craving more lol.

BOOK: Don't Breath a Word
Excellent book. It really spark a great and lengthy discussion on many associated topics, here are just a few to recap:
-Do you believe there are really Fairies?
-Do you think Pheobe was a product of fairies in a dark man?
-Do you think Gene is half fairy or just inbred?
-That's one fucked up family!!
-Phyllis did that to her own daughter!!!!!
-Did you realize that Sam and Phoebe are related???? Thus making their baby a product of incest?? Think about it; Grandpa was Pyhlis's dad, Sam's grandpa; Pheobe's mom did grandpa(Teilo) having pheobe thus making them related...........

We discussed dues breifly and unless Julie has a problem with our vote we shall hold this rule in place. We decided that sick people should still pay des as it really only helps the club out. We SHOULD NOT have double dues for sick days. Julie do you feel dues should stay in place even if you're sick? We figured it contributed to the main cause so it was beneficial. Let us know.

Maren & Julie owe $5 for April & Current dues for may= $10
Everyone else is current.

BOOK: "I'm Down" by Mishna Wolff
MEETING: 05/27/12 Does anyone have an issue with this date???????????
M= Julie
D= Maren
Sa= Tristana
Si= Ali
D= Meriah

Keep up the words for thought, random writings and postings gals, peeps are diggin it. Love you and had a blast last night!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Just Writing......

By Ali Scontrino 2005
                Describing oneself is kind of a broad request. There is no one page that can describe me, let alone any other human being. Even the most drab, boring character has endless pages of stories to tell. To put down who I am in this page would be like cutting off my whole being. There is not one story that forms my personality or one experience that has changed my life.
                Some of my life does not need to be told for these parts of me are mine. Other details are not enough to let someone grasp who I really am. I am simple yet complicated. I am impatient and independent. I work hard to achieve anything I have or will need and I get no charity from anyone.
                My individual story is that of many complicated spider webs mashing into one another. It would be easier for me to write a lie and say I was abandoned as a child and brought up by wolves. I am but another face in an endless crowd of faces. My uniqueness is only to be held by those who stick around for the next chapter.
                So who am I to the unsuspecting reader? Just a mystery.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Broaden Our word base

New words to learn: I thought it'd be fun to learn new words so if anyone gets some fun new words to learn post them.

Alternate words for irritated:
Cantankerous: easily angered and difficult to get along with
Irascible: easily provoked to anger or outbursts of temper
Peckish: somewhat irritable
Tetchy: oversensitive and easily upset or annoyed
Petulant: ill-tempered or sulky in a peevish manner
Snappish: showing a sharpness or curtness caused by irritation or impatience

Birthday Dinner for Maren

Hey Ladies, So next tuesday we should take Maren out for her bday. We had discussed this Tuesday but as she is celebrating with family we come Anyways I can meet for dinner at 6pm on Tuesday. If we do an early dinner I can meet from 2-4:15, I have class at 5pm to 6pm so i could spend more time after 6 but early is good to.

Maren where would you like to go??? Are you still on the Red Lobster kick? If so we can make it happen for you girl. Everyone needs to proactively respond so we can plan this out. I am also thinking of renting a van or having someone drive us so we let loose. Let me know your thoughts.

Maren let us know your chioce of establishment.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/9/12: march bookclub minutes

Tristana's club for Simple Abundance
Books actually read: Maren on vaccines, MERIAH sunset magazine-geesh, Tristana on Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, Ali read Unbroken....

Simple Abundance is a good self support book. When you are feeling overwhelmed or need to remind yourself you have the power to do anything.

Mid-month meeting is APRIL 23 AT ALI's. Maren said she's making a pastry thing and Julie to coordinate should anything else be needed.

Club tattoo: star fish idea, anyone ready now?

DUES: MERIAH owes $10 at April meeting
Everyone paid up
Ali paid thru April meeting
Julie to do jumping jacks instead of paying double dues.

Bookclub bootcamp: noon on Sunday

Please RSVP depending on who's showing up determines where I have it. Let me know if you are coming and if you can't get rid of your kid that also determines where I hold it. Let's do this!

Don't breath a word by Jennifer McMahon

Get it, read it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

February Meeting minutes/ MARCH meeting agenda (04/09/12-MONDAY)

February Meeting Date: 03/04/12

Dues: All Paid Up

Julie paid thru March meeting

Book Order: Ali, Tristana, Maren, Julie, Meriah

New Suggested Rule:
Change book genre (ie: If a book pick is a mystery then the next should be other than a mystery.)

Maren Changing book pick to : Don't Breath a Word by Margeret McManhon (??)

Julie to determine dates, time, and coordination. To be held at Ali's House or Mac's shop

Book: Simple Abundance (Random hat pick)
Meeting date: MONDAY 9th, 2012
Tristana's house
M= Tristana
D= Ali
Sa= Meriah
Si= Julie
D= Maren

NOTE: Since no one is reading please read something and prepare to discuss it.

Mid Month Meetings????

Are we having a mid-month meeting this month? Julie is in charge of date, time, place and what we are doing. She can make a game time, movie time, chat time, whatever.

Let us know if we will be doing a mid month and who does what when.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Simple abundance SLACKERS

For the record this is Tristana s book pick. She could have changed the, totally random, from the hat pick many times. This being said I know none of you are reading. Fine, we all got shit we are dealing with. So please bring something to the table for TRISTANAS meeting. Whatever you are reading please prepare to discuss, summarize and answer questions, if you are not reading then read something. Read ahem and prepare to discuss.

But I tell ya, as slacker as I have been I have read and been inspired by not all but many of the one page paragraphs we are assigned to read.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Monday we have our mid-month bookclub meeting at Ali's house

Don't forget ladies our mid month meeting this coming Monday. Should we have a topic? Make it a free for all? Is someone bringing begs

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tristanas book pick.... From the hat: Simple Abundance

I picked a book for Tristana from the hat. Her only instruction was no mystery thriller. The book picked seems all too fitting to our unique group. I am excited to see what this book has.

Simple Abundance by Sarah Breathnach
I looked it up and it is a compilation of essays by and for women. It looks like an enlightening read for us. We shall see. Book has been picked commence reading. Me especially lol.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I finished the book early it was interesting. I can't wait to discuss it! I did some reach and found out that the author is willing to go to book clubs and dicuss her book! Could u imagine her with us? What fun! I got questions so READ!

Monday, February 6, 2012

January Club Minutes (02/05/12)

Great club ladies Great book!!!!! I love you gals!!!!!

Superbowl Bookclub was a hit. Wings and blue cheese, potatoes, deviled eggs and more. Good times.
Meriah's Book "The Bookclub" was a great book full of discussion even though it wasnt finished. I finished it this morning and it was just so excellent.

Meriah & Ali paid thru Feb meeting
Julie paid up this meeting owes next meeting
Maren & T owe $5 for this club (January) and $5 for next club ($5) $10 total next club.
$280 to date

Book Order: Ali, Tristana, Maren, Julie, Meriah
Next Book Pick: Ali = Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Next Meeting: 02/26/12????? PLEASE CONFIRM YALL CAN DO
M= Ali
D= Meriah
S= Julie
S= Maren
D= Tristana

Meriah has the wine glasses.

1) Meeting at petroglyphs;
2) Have an extra impromtu meeting just to talk so our club meetings aren't so chaotic.

WHO IS GONNA TAKE THE TASK OF SCHEDULING THE IMPROMTU????? That is too much for me I would love help with taht so it happens.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Alis birthday

I think we should play your birthday by ear. Start in the morning with breakfast and mimosas and just let the day unfold! See what you feel like and not get bogged down by plans! I can't wait! it will be fun!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

okay we are all in now yay T!


I m in I m in!

Ali's Bday Bowling Festivities

We discussed meeting on Tuesday Jan 31st to go bowling or mini golfing. What time shall we meet? Julie & Maren wont be able to meet until off work. Lemme know you're thoughts.

December Club Minutes (01/08/12)

Good Meeting Ladies!!!! Im excited about our new book, yay!

The salad bar idea was awesome and Tristana..... what can I say that could describe your amazing bread filled goodness; nothing cuz it was just tooo good.

Meriah & Ali are paid thru Feb's meeting;
Julie paid for next month (Jan)
Maren & T normal dues due.
We Have $280 in dues so far; decide what we are doing with it. Start thinking of suggestions.

1) New Shirt: "It's Bookclub Bitches!" (Front); "Membership Closed!" (Back)
2) Pondering changing our "Club" to "Society"; Someone to research new terms. Who??

BOOK ORDER: Ali, Tristana, Maren, Julie, Meriah
Next Book Pick (January Book): Bookclub by Mary Alice Monroe
Next Club: 02/05/12
M= Meriah
D= Julie
S= Maren
S= Tristana
D= Ali

Next Book Pick after Meriah is ALI
Maren is two months away but is picking Drowning Ruth (March club)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book suggestion Hat in order

The "Hat" has been assembled. I have printed all suggestions I have to my knowledge. Please start bringing the suggestions to the meeting so I can toss in the hat.

I was also thinking we could spice up could and do a type of spin the bottle; the one the bottle lands on picks from the hat. we could also do random months where we dont pick at all and just pick at random to just get what we get. Lemme know if any of this sounds good to ya'll.

December Bookclub Agenda- Meet whether we read or not: 01/08/12

Hey all I know it's been a fast paced and hectic month so if you haven't gotten around to reading the book no worries. Julie and I were talking and felt we should just meet to meet. Maybe a vent session is in order lol. So what follows will be my normal agenda as if you read:

December Meeting
M= Julie
D= Maren
S= Tristana
S= Meriah
D= Ali
Book: Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore

Tristana owes $15 (2 dues & a penlty)
Meriah, Maren & Ali owe $10 (Last time & this time)
Julie owes $5 (Thanks for being prepared chica!

In Essence of the new year, shall we have some healthier snacks at club?? Suggestions??

Please bring any book suggestions to put in the hat.

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...