Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Maren & Tristana please answer

Hello ladies,
In the last Meeting Minutes a couple questions were to be clarified.

1) Maren's Babyshower at Highlands..... First of all Maren we love you and you can have as many kids as you want and we will still want to celebrate with a babyshower. So get that whole I already had a boy babyshower business out of your head. Secondly, if you dont want the formal babyshower as you had originally planned then maybe we can do a special SCMbookclub only babyshower. Maybe we can do it at your house and do a pool theme, have BBQ and food and stuff maybe play a cheesy game or pool game or something. So I have the 22nd blocked off- I say let's celebrate!!!!! Let us know how and where my lovely!!!

2) Tristana's Birthday party. Please confirm the date of your bday party so we can lock it in. So far we have noted Friday August 14th. Where and what time sister!!!!!!

3) Tristana: You are the next book pick after me. Start thinking of a book so when we have July club we can get the thought process going.

PS: Station 11 is really good!!!!! Start reading club is next week!!!!!!

June 28, 2015 Book Club Notes

$$$ - Balance of $362 (I think)
Paid: Jocelyn, Maren, Meriah, Julie, Ali, and Tristana paid off outstanding balance. Tristana paid Julie for her glass also.

Next book club is July 19th at Jocelyn’s Book is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 352 pgs

Next book pick is Ali’s. Club on Aug. 30th A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini 418 pgs

Book Pick Order- Jocelyn, Ali, Tristana, Maren, Julie, Meriah

Duties: Jocelyn- Main, Ali- Drinks, Tristana- Salad, Maren – Side, Julie – Dessert and Meriah – Glasses/Appetizer

Dinner: Baked asparagus, Lemon chicken pita burgers, Fizzy margaritas and Banana cream pies (these mini pies were delish!!!!!).

Announcements: 1) Ali looking into getting stickers off the internet. 2) Ali having house warming party on Aug 15th 2:00-till the end. Pot luck style. 3) Maren’s baby shower Aug 22nd at Highlands….[Shall we make it an SCMbookclub thing??] 4) Julie’s going to Maui…..yahoo! 5) Cypress is in the play Back to the Beanstock in Ben Lomond. Tickets for sale on LPRT.org Performances are July23-26 and July29-Aug 2nd. 6) Tristana birthday party on Aug 14th……. Still to be confirmed 7) Anniversaries: Meriah and Shannon 19 yrs on July 19th and Jocelyn and Mike 15 yrs on July 31st (so much love  )

Discussion: Nyctophobia by Christopher Fowler (Meriah’s pick) Everyone Read!!!!

Ali: Spooky. Loved Callie’s research of the house history. 3.5/5 Jocelyn: Loved the descriptions about the architecture. 4/5 Tristana: Enjoyed. So much left unanswered though. 4/5 Maren: Thought there should be more rumors and town talk about the house. 3.5/5 Julie: Loved the ying yang aspects. Thought some parts were too wordy and some parts needed more description. 3/5 Meriah: Loved the aspect of facing our fears. Agreed that there was some great description and then some just dropped. 4/5

Favorite Characters: Jocelyn – The House and Alphonzo
Julie - Bobbie Ali – Celestia
Meriah - Callie
Tristana – Celestia and Jordi Maren – Celestia

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...