Thursday, August 23, 2012

Anniversary contributions.

So I am working on a writing for our anniversary. I am writing a little narrative of our bookclub where we were where we are, how we have grown together in this journey through life, love, loss, and more.

I would like everyone to work on something for our anniversary. I'm doing a writing. Feel free to do one as well. Maybe a collage, or a poem you found that depicts us, something. As we will be in SF we won't be having an agenda but we will discuss marens book, I want to read my writing (that will probably make me cry) and we can do whatever else, party!!

Next club we need to be on top of it. We have a lot of anniversary details to shake out. Love you gals!!

Mid Month Mayhem......

The triple M is not working again this month. The problem is (we found last meeting) that if we dont have a mid month too much life detoxing takes over the meeting.

Though bookclub is here for commarodery it is also to ensure we are reading and stimulating our minds into our old age. If we dont see each other for a month then too much has to be spewed out in one little sitting and on average most people have to leave within two hours. Two hours is not enough time to eat, discuss books and go over the agenda.

Mid month got too elaborate and maybe that's why it's been hard to plan. I propose that mid month is just a meeting plave and time. If people want food or drinks then bring them or go without. This will make it easier to have meeting on a whim. So who is gonna set up the date and time and location. It could be a park or something; kids involved. Make it easy.
I think we should look into shirts cute girl shirts! The book is technical and long winded but intersting since its nonfiction! Scim if u have to but there are some really good parts

Friday, August 17, 2012

In the garden of beasts..... By Erik Larsen.

Has everyone got their book?

Gear and stickers.......

Hey ladies, I was thinking we need to all get new stickers as we have almost all changed cars.....or lost theirs. I was also wondering if we wanted to have new shirts made before our anniversary? When we go to San Francisco we should be wearing our sweatshirts at least to sport our club. Let me know what you think???

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Well there was alot going on at club tonight. We overlooked the birthday dessert to Tristana. Sorry girl!!!! A few new things have sprouted tonight; some ways to stay on track and keep our inventory clean.
1) Meriah suggested we have an Agenda and I agree. I am thinking of introducing at the next meeting (maybe we can discuss at mid-month). It will be set up like bullet points with tasks needed to discuss. A week before club I will ask everyone to submit an agenda item.
2) Meriah & club want to do a 6 Month Hat Check; keep the books going in the hat in check so we dont have books in there we just dont want to read.
3) Check Page numbers; Sometimes we need a short book and sometimes a longer one; but not tooo long.

These are good new rules I think. At our 5 year I will have our original rules and the new ones and we can go over them.

DUES: ($450)
Julie paid thru Sept
Meriah Paid thru August
Maren To Current
Tristana To Current

Great book, can't wait to read the sequel!!!!!

MID-MONTH: Maren or Meriah to host. Where, when?? Meriah what happened to our game questionaire you did? I thought there was a fun game you had with all of our answers??
It was apparent from tonight that we need a mid month meeting to stay on track in club. This is a casual meeting no need to bring any food or drink. I think we make it easy and you show up with what you need so it makes it easy for us to justshow up on a whim.

Going to Johnny Folley's in Union Square- MERIAH to research and book hotel. Let me know if you need me to book. we should do now for better rates. I gots the money too so let me know how much you need.

9/15/12- LJ's 1st bday. Maren can provide location details in person.

BOOK: In the Garden of Beasts
M= tristana
D= Ali
Sa= Meriah
Si= Julie
D= Maren (Wants tp pick 11/23/63 by Stephen King)


*Congrats to T on the new house; Perfect stinking timing!!
**Meriah: You go girl on the new car!

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...