Monday, October 29, 2012

11/23/1963..... Be prepared readers.

There will be some talk over appetizers about our book. Please read up gals. I've heard a lot of reading going on so we shall have some stuff to talk about. Time travel, butterfly effect, good and bad. So please be ready to discuss a bit of the book at anniversary club. Next month book: Julie pick, Swamplandia due december 16th. Next club: 12/16/12. Please let me know if this date doesn't work. This gives us enough time to read Swamplandia and still meet before the holiday season takes over.

Anniversary club!! FIVE FABULOUS YEARS......

Hey chikies It's hear number five and we are celebrating large this year. We have successfully saved up enough in dues to live it up without caring what the bill is. Woop woop! We have reservations at 515 at 4:30; the lounge room. We get our own special room even! Meet at the cowboy at 3:30. Only detail not hashed out is what car are we taking?? If anyone would like to come over to get ready with me feel free. We can compare our fancy outfits. Can't wait girls this is gonna be fun fun fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

November 12th Mid-Month

Hi my fantastic bookclub ladies...
Please let me know if you are avaiable for a mid-month meeting on nov 12 at 4pm.  Another option would be the 11th but Meriah I'd like to talk to you about this as it seems these mid-months are the hardest on your schedule.  Let's chat.  xoxo

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct 15 Mid-Month

So....last night was so fun ladies!  Sorry you couldn't make it Meriah, it was a blast.  We ate, drank, shared quotes, talked, and watched the always awesome SF GIANTS!!!  The quotes I found highly insightful and inspiring...

Tristana: Bad decisions make good stories.

Maren: Life is short, but wide, so this too will pass.

Julie: We don't attract what we want, we attract who we are.

Ali: Mean what you say and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.-Dr. Seuss

I'm not eccentric, I'm just more alive than most people.  I'm like an electric eel in a goldfish bowl.-Dame Edith

Next mid-month meeting is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 12th. Please RSVP to Julie

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What to bring

So this is how i see it for the november meeting Main dish is julie Drinks is meriah Side dish is ali Salad is tristana Dessert is maren I will be cordinating with everyone individually to make sure all of the food is cohesive. I really want to start the cookbook so we will talk about the best foods so far. See everyone on monday at julies!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Julie Next Book Pick ???

Julie do you know what book you are picking?

Bookclub Pros & Cons

As of 9/19/12: PROS: 1) Mid Month (Need for DETOX) 2) Emotional Support 3) Food & Drink CONS: 1) Meeting dates are too sparatic (Stick to last sunday of the month) 2) Boring Books 3) Unshared FResponsibilities 4) Too much communcations during club (Text, email, etc..)

Meriah The Money Handler

Meriah Don't forget to bring our money on the 4th. we are only spending that money so if you dont bring it we wont be able to get dinner or anything. Make sure that you keep all recipets from the night and update the balance at some point beofre the following club.

Tristana the Menu Queen

Hey Tristana, Can you make sure to post or text everyone what we are bringing?? Usually a week or two before club everyone calls me to ask but now that we have a new structure we all get to call you. So please let us all know what we are to bring. Keep in mind as menu coordinator you have the power to dictate our food theme and you can give ideas, suggestions or requests for certain foods. You have the power!!!

In the Garden of Beasts

Tristana, I thought this was a really good book. It was a bit dry at parts and went on and on about all the names of everyone and their brother but really it was a great insight into a part of history that our schools seem to hide. Why we only learn the few things we do about WWII, the Nazi's and the Japanese is beyond me. There is so much history withheld from our learning that books like these become so valuable. So i didn't want In the Garden of Beasts.... to go unnoticed as a good read in the club. Thanks again!!!!


Next meeting is our ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! This is a dress up event. We will be meeting at the Cowboy so we can carpool to SC where we will start off our event at the 515. Plan to meet at the Cowboy at 3:30. We can head to SC for a 4-4:30 start. I will be looking into the special room but no gaurantees. Julie proposed going to a resturant on mission street so that could also play into our plans. We can discuss our book: 11/23/1963 Non formal meeting- no minutes or important discussion just 5 years of greatness, future to come and the book. Then we are free to enjoy the evenings festivities.

September meeting minutes (09-18-12) STARTING FRESH

September's meeting was a really great meeting. We all came together and hopefully all the tasks that were handed out will work out in keeping us all busy and giving us all something to be proud of in club. Many new things occured at the meeting: -We went through 5 years of club buisness to see how far we've come; -We went through old ideas and created new ones; -We went over Pros & Cons (Which should be an ongoing thing at club); -We went over the rules and created new ones; -We discussed new logo options; -Positions were discussed and handed out- List to follow; -We went through our history: all 1st's, when clothing was made, when things were created, milestones, etc..; -We went through book lists from 2007 thru 2012. -Went through the agenda. AGENDA: We shall have an agenda every month; each person to have one so to stay on task and know when their time to do their task is. First 15-20 minutes of club is DETOX TIME. Get your life shit out here cuz when club starts it's all about the books. PROS&CONS: We should be doing this ongoing at every club. Ali Can maintain it as she's given up most her duties. 3 MONTH CALENDARS: Julie is to get everyone a calendar (she said at meeting she woudl do). Everyone needs to bring a calendar and be prepared for scheduling. Club Packet: I ran out of pape but when i get some I will print everyone a packet with all our rules, lists, history, etc. so we all have it and can comment and reflect on it. IDEAS: Logo- needs more books to support her feet; Broaden our word base: Texting cool/interesting words to each other to broaden our word base. -Make stickers -Cookbook. (Tristana to begin) -We need to take pics of the food and secratary could be writing down the foods for the night???? RULES: #7: Change Book Genre every month #8: NO CELL PHONES during meeting. Texting is getting out of control!! Unofficial rule: MUST WEAR GEAR Main Dish= Host; should be complete or almost complete before club starts. Drinks= Person who brings drinks serves everyone their first glass in the club goblet. TASKS: Ali: Anniversary -Make sure secratary takes notes; -Gets Secratary Agenda Items; -Keeps Official Records -Pros & Cons Julie: Time Keeper -Mid Month Tristana: Month Menu -Event planning; Bday, holidays,anniversary help Meriah: Money Handler -Dues; Meriah has $500 as of last meeting she was handed the dues log and the money to track for this new year. Maren: Note Taker -Update blog with meeting minutes -Update agenda- collect agenda items from club members for discussion Maren- I will send you an agenda to start with then its all yours for the year. As the months go on we can keep checking in to see if we want our tasks or if we wnat to switch. I will post our next club info in another blog so not to confuse everyone. Please print this post out for your records and the minutes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 15: Mid Month meeting

Hey ladies,

So, our mid-month is going to be held on October 15th at 4:30 at my house.  Please RSVP via reply to this post or text.  I will provide some munchies...
And I thought it would be fun if everyone could bring a favorite quote that is new to your life or one that you've always loved.  I've been coming across some inspirational as well as funny quotes that have been getting me through some tough times and I'd love to share and hear more.  This is not mandatory, just a fun idea.

Love ya!

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...