Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wool (Side Reads)

I am currently side reading a book called Wool. I am about 40% through the book and I when I'm not reading I'm thinking about the book. I think about the scenes that just played out. Flash through the beginning scenes. These books are like movies to me. That's why a slow book that doesn't capture the interest is hard to stay into. Anyway, I bought Wool at the airport in Tennessee. I actually got the real book instead of having it on my Nook. On the planes they make you turn your electronics off for at minimum 30 minutes. I can do a lot of reading in 30 minutes. So I got me a real book. It feels so nice in my hands. I love the feel of flipping pages, the smell of the paper and ink. Call me crazy but holding a tablet and clicking to the side will never be the same experience. Even folding the cover back on a paperback as you get into the story is a lost pleasure on the Nook. I digress, I am on a tangent, back to the book. I feel like the back cover gives me no information on this book. I still am not sure what is going to happen; I mean what the direction of the story is but it's keeping me in twined with the things taking place in each chapter. I have come to two points where I was about to think it's slowing down and then BAM! It sucked me in with another twist. I must know. I must know why Juliette is where she is. Why Holston and Allison went Outside. Who is the antagonist??? several theories but still I read on. So that's my review so far on Wool.

May-Julie's Club- Discussion topics [Maren add to agenda]

Hello ladies, So we have been doing most awesomely this fifth year. I am loving the way Maren does the agenda. I also love how it spells out our night's menu- brilliant Maren. Now we can back track the minutes and know what foods we want in the cookbook. The cookbook I think once completed [probably a few years from now] may be an item we can sell to family and friends and actually make money that cycles back to the club. People are always asking to join or what we are reading. If we had our most awesome book I bet it's be an awesome commodity. On another note: Meriah your treasury reports have been fabulous. You make it seem so easy. You have been tenacious at getting people to pay up. We missed our agenda run down this past month. So we should talk about how to spend our dues. Some topics to discuss as follows: ~Cookbook how to start compiling-where to start; ~DUES- How to spend; ~New shirts ~New stickers/magnets for our cars (Tristana is the last woman standing with our original) ~New Logo?- have we decided this yet?? ~Lastly off the top of my head; Meriah mentioned me not having anything to do so we should discuss this. Last meeting we didn't go by our new protocol. But in the past meetings since the change; I run the agenda, keep order, make sure I get the minutes from Maren. Post on site, I also pose questions for the discussions, email everyone, check in with Tristana to make sure the main person is communicating the menu, make sure mid month is happening, Check in with everyone to make sure we are reading-try to be as encouraging as I sometimes need as well. I make sure old unresolved topics resurface and get resolution. So much of what I do now is what I always did but now its not on top of minutes, menus,mid months, organizing, etc..It's just all behind the scenes and it's all about motivation and keeping things notified and on plan and not put off to the side and forgotten. Our passion is our club's lifeline. So Maren please add this blurb to the agenda. ~Oh yeah MAREN- I love the new Ipad way of doing the agenda; saves paper and its easy to quickly update and email for posting. Plus I was just thinking- you could copy and paste this post from our site and paste it into your note pad and then bam agenda automatically has the blurb. I think this could really be an awesome way to jump into the computerized age. Thought I'd share that idea. PS: Meriah are you getting these??? let me know if you aren't

April Bookclub: Meeting minutes 4-21-13

~Narrated by the Illustrious Maren Cellitti *We read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn *We all loved the book; but hated the ending. [Such a powerful batch of insanity and it stopped why oh why] *Food was an appetizer theme with buffalo chicken cups, beet salad, kabobs, taco wraps, baked brie, scalloped potatoes, and fruit tart for dessert For Next month [Julie's Pick], Drowning Ruth by Christina Shwarz Julie's house May 19th 4:30 pm Julie main, Maren dessert, Tristana Salad, Ali Side, Meriah Drinks Mid month May 6th 4 pm Ali's house Treasurer's report: we had a total of $343 in our treasury, we will discuss what we want to do with our dues at a future meeting

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Book postings and club interaction

Hey gals, I was thinking of starting to blog about what I like about the books Im reading and what I don't and just blogging about reading as that is what we do in this club. I was hoping that maybe everyone could log on here and there and blog your thoughts/feelings/opinions about books we are reading for club, books you are reading on your own and books you wish you could read. I am trying to get our blog more used and possible get people commenting and suggesting book ideas. Anyways wanted to see how you all felt about blogging every once in a while.

Mid month April 15th Ali's house- Julie need confirmation

Is this still a go??? Julie have you done any prep for this???

April Meeting: April 21st- Maren's House- Gone Girl

Ok gals start reading if you haven't already. I don't know about you but this book is awesome. I hate having to go to work when I know I need to find out what has happened to Amy. It's more mysterious then Malice (where you just don't know who the culprit is). Anyway please read everyone. I'd really like to get a good discussion going about this book. So many topics: Relationships; secrets in marriages/relationships; How chicks think emotionally in regards to relationships. I am going to bring some of Amy's diary entries where she gives option A,B,C.... and its kind of interesting cuz I know I do that when Im in an argument in a relationship. READ PLEASE!!!!! Bring a topic that interests you to the meeting. BOOK: Gone Girl Gillian Flynn HOME: Maren's House FOOD: Maren main, Tristana dessert, Ali Salad, Meriah Side, Julie Drinks Mid month April 15th Ali's house Next month we'll discuss treasurers report, what we want to do with dues. I got a new shirt guy we could use if we want to use our money for new duds?????

March meeting Minutes- Malice- Tristana's House

We read Malice by Lisa Jackson We agreed that it was a fun, action-packed read. No one except Meriah was able to guess the killer's identity until the end. Food was a southern theme with Grits, shrimp, pulled pork, Gorgonzola cream sauce, BBQ sauce, salad, punch. For Next month, Gone girl by Gillian Flynn Maren's house April 21st Maren main, Tristana dessert, Ali Salad, Meriah Side, Julie Drinks Mid month April 15th Ali's house Next month we'll discuss treasurers report, what we want to do with dues

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...