Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December Bookclub Meeting 1/04/15 Meriahs House

December Bookclub Meeting: 01/04/15 at Meriah’s House
Book: What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman
We have been slacking a bit the last few months and that’s not a bad thing. After all we have been having a great time. It’s time now as we approach a New Year that we reel it back in and start abiding by the rules we set as a group to keep us on track. Some of the things we need to reinstate are as follows:
1) The main dish and all side dishes are to be done by 4pm: We instilled this rule because the discussion never starts until we are all seated and eating. If we wait a half hour or longer for the food to be finished then our rant time is too long and we side track from talking about the book. Please plan accordingly.
2) Vent Time: This time was set to be at the beginning of club. 15 minutes dedicated to venting and talking about whats going on in our lives. Due to the main not being done at 4pm this time has become almost an hour of our club. We need to reel it back in.
3) Planning: We schedule club a month in advance so that we can plan our lives around our club. Please remember if you are cramming your personal schedule full of activities before club that you need to be allotting enough time for you to be on time.
4) Dues: Now that we are starting a new year with essentially empty bank we need to be diligent about paying our dues.
5) Secretary duties: As of last club we decided to split the secretary duties in half. Now Jocelyn & Maren are partners. Jocelyn takes notes at club and emails them to Ali and Maren. Maren is to update and prepare the agendas for the next club and Ali is to post to blog and text reminders.
6) Book Discussion: Please be prepared either in your mind or with notes to discuss book. Even if you didn’t like the book then discuss why. Please try to have 3 questions or comments ready to share with the club. Find a fun fact about the book. Something to keep us stimulated.
7) Positions: We discussed at the last meeting that everyone is staying in their positions. The Secretary position split into two. Please take your position to heart. It’s your job. A week before club the menu should be sent to all, the people who owe dues should be notified prior to club so they bring enough. Everyone should have dues handy. The agenda should be emailed to Ali. Let’s keep the flow going.
Menu (Tristana): to get everyone their assignment
Treasurer (Meriah): Need to get back on track of where we are; what was spent at “night-out” club meeting.
Time Keeper (Julie): Need to keep the time and be strict. 4pm start; 15 minute venting; start logistics as food is being gathered on plates and we are being seated. Then agenda and book discussion. Any side bars onto non-book topics need to be re-routed back to book discussion until the end of the meeting.

Lastly: If we stick to our already set regime we will have an hour or more at the end of club to hang out and talk non-book stuff. If we interrupt club with personal stuff and side bar conversations we end up having a 4 hour meeting about life instead of 2-3 hours of good book time with the girls. Let’s make our 7th year a FUCKIN FABULOUS ONE!!!!!!!!!!! I love you gals!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October 19th Meeting Minutes

Next month (November), Our anniversary meeting with trivia game
The next meeting will be held November 22nd meet at the cowboy at 5:30 and go to Assembly

Book pick The art of hearing heartbeats by Jan-Phillipp Sendker

Next pick She's all done? Meriah's book pick

Discussion of book, Dollbaby
Everyone really liked the book. Overall we rated it a 4 to a 4.5

We need new trucker hats and
New tank tops

Monday, October 20, 2014

November Bookclub 11/22/14 meet at Cowboy 5:30pm

Novemeber Bookclub is a celebration of two lives; Jocelyn and Julie's birthdays. To honor these birthdays we are taking our lil coven of books out on the town. Fully sponsored by SCMbookclub dues woooohoooo!

We will meet at the Cowboy at 5:30pm and embark on our dinner journey to "Assembly" for our fooding pleasures.

11/22/14 (Saturday) at 5:30pm
Book Pick: The Art of Hearing Heartbeats (Julie pick)
Menu: Assembly Resturant
Activities: A year in books- SCMbookclub trivia game (Maren you got this right??)


I can't believe that 7 years ago this month a handful of women sat around talking about books and decided that we would form a union. We are six people strong; we meet monthly; we support each other in more then just books. This club has truely been an important part of my life; not only that I dedicate time to reading more then I ever would without the club's deadlines and structure.

Ladies I am proud to be a part of this bookclub. Learning and growing and educating ourselves as we get older. Someday we will be ole ladies with white hair (not me cuz I will forever dye my hair) and arthritis and fading eyesight. We will still have each other. The laughter and love that can not be duplicated. I love you ladies and I am the most stoked person to have you all in my life.

Let's start our 8th year with three things that you love about our bookclub thus far. Either post here, email me or text. It is valuable information to help us continue to grow.


SCM BOOK Club List 2014
Reading Month Picker Book Pick
1 Novmeber 2013: Meriah Have No Shame by Melissa Foster
2 December 2013: Jocelyn Mrs. Poe by Lynn cullen
3 January 2014: Ali Escaping Barcelona by Henry Martin
4 February 2014: Tristana Serena by Ron Rash
5 March 2014: Maren The House Girl by Tara Conklin
6 April 2014: Julie Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
7 May 2014: Meriah Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton
8 June 2014: Jocelyn The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
9 July 2014: Ali The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
10 August 2014: Tristana Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King
11 Sep/Oct 2014: Maren Doll Baby by Laura Lane McNeal

Monday, September 29, 2014

Anniversary Bookclub Coming up: 10/19/14

Questions (Please respond either via email or text):1)Are we doing the Trivia game?-Maren did you need any help to make this happen?? 2) Does anyone have any other games in mind? 3) Movie- Are we still Planning on watching the skeleton Key/ 4) MOST IMPORTANT!!!! Do we want to start the meeting at 3pm?????????? Early start to packj more in. We have to discuss book, anniversary, trivia, and watch a movie. Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Past due Dues

Hey peeps, Please make sure you bring what you owe to club. We need to keep the books current so we dont lose track of things. Please check in with Meriah or Maren to see if you owe. I believe only one person is past due at this point. Let me know if you have any questions in this reagrd. Anniversary bookclub is coming: Maren please add to the agenda that we need to start planning discussions for our 7th year as a club. I think we should do the trivia game again. Would that be too complicated for you right now? Maybe we use the old one and see what we remeber???? Ideas folks......... Jobs: does anyone want to add to or change their job??? Let's discuss as we approach another anniversary where we reflect and better our club.



SCMBOOKCLUB: July 27th meeting minutes

Ali paid through August Everyone is up to date, Tristana still owes $10 from last meeting. Next month, Tristana main, Maren drinks, Julie side, Meriah salad, Jocelyn dessert, **Ali glasses The next meeting will be held August 24th Tristana's house Meriah's birthday book club Book pick Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King Discussion of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey Everyone really liked the book. Overall we rated it a 4 to a 4.5 Favorite characters were Ringer, Cassie, and Walker **PS I DONT HAVE THE GLASSES. WHOEVER HAD THEM BEFORE ME, MAREN? NEEDS TO GET THEM TO ME OR BRING THEM....... LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ME TO GET THEM.....

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

June 29th 2014 meeting minutes

June 29th meeting minutes Ali paid through August meeting Julie paid through July, everyone else is up to date, Tristana was absent from the meeting. Next month Ali main, Tristana drinks, Maren side, Julie salad, Meriah dessert, Jocelyn glasses The next meeting will be held July 27th at Maren's house at 3. Ali will host at Maren's house so we can enjoy the pool Book pick The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey Discussion of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian Everyone liked this book, there were a lot of really great quotes. It was a fun, easy read.

Friday, February 28, 2014

February Meeting Minutes (2-23-14) Book: Serena

Treasury: Ali Owes for this club; everyone else is current. Need to be more careful how we spend our money. Stickers should be next purchase. NEXT MEETING: 3-23-14 at Maren's house. BOOK: House Girl by Tara Colkin. MENU: Maren-main; Julie-drinks; Meriah-side; Jocelyn-salad; Ali-dessert; Tristana-glasses. NEW BUSINESS: (1)Bookclub Mailbox, (2) Talking Stick needs to come back. BOOK TALK- Serena: 2/6 didn't like the book. QUESTIONS: Did Rachael Marry Joel? Favorite Characters: Jocelyn- Serena & Snipes; Maren-Rachel & Widow; Ali-Widow Jenkins; Julie- Widow Jenkins; Tristana- Sheriff & Snipes. NEED TO GO THROUGH HAT and clean out. STARS: 3.5, 4, 3.5, 4, 3, 2.5 Average 2.5

Monday, February 17, 2014

January Club Meeting Minutes (2-9-14)

Ali's Meeting/Book- Mad Days of Me: Escaping Barcelona. - Meriah collected a few people's dues; need to collect from the missing peeps at next club. Meriah and Tristana owe double dues for previous meeting. - We need to get the Agenda going again so we stay on track. Meriah to note each person who has paid for future so there's no confusion. Next meeting is This Sunday 2-23-14 at Tristana's house at 4:30. Menu is Maren on drinks; Julie on side; Meriah on salad; Jocelyn on dessert and Ali is glasses. Tristana to determine main dish. Mixed reviews on book. intriguing,, frustrating. average of 2.8 stars. (3.5, 4, 3, 2, 2.5, 2) Favorite characters were: Alva & Samir.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January bookclub 2/9/14 at Ali's house

Bookclub Dues Tristana, Meriah owe double= $10ea Maren needs reimbursement $30 Julie, Jocelyn, Ali paid Ali book pick: mad days of me: escaping Barcelona Feb 9, 4:30pm Tristana needs to pick book Tristana menu Ali bday club!!! Julie in charge of bday stuff New business: Facebook, check privacy settings Book consensus: Three questions about the book written and ready

Amazon First Reads this month has Tiger Chair- A short story written by Max Brooks (Devolution the bigfoot book we read)

Thought this was cool; This is Amazon's Free first read this month. This is the Author of Devolution which we liked about the Bigfoots. ...